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frequency changer [converter] 【電學】換頻器,變頻器。

frequency channel

In view of this situation this article has conducted research to the design of metallurgy auxiliary biography with the frequency conversion table electrical machinery first multianalysis to the frequency changer and the frequency conversion table electrical machinery movement characteristic is carried out , the voltage waveform harmonious which the frequency changer outputs is big , attacks in a big way , and the voltage climbing rate reaches as high as 6600v / mu s which is 20 times ordinary sine alternating voltage , the rolling mill auxiliary biography table set the extremely strict request to the electrical machinery ; its movement frequency is very low , rate frequency in 8 - 20hz ; the velocity modulation scope is wide , the lowest movement frequency lowers to 1hz , and the starting number of times is quite frequently , each hour reaches as high as 600 - 800 time , the impact shoulders in a big way , the overload capacity request is high 針對這一情況本文對冶金輔傳用變頻輥道電機的設計進行了系統研究。首先對變頻器和變頻輥道電機的運行特性進行詳細分析,變頻器輸出的電壓波形諧波大,沖擊大,電壓上升率高達6600v / s ,是普通正弦交流電壓的20倍;軋機輔傳輥道對電機提出了十分嚴格的要求:其運行頻率很低,額定頻率在8 - 20hz ;調速范圍寬,最低運行頻率低到0 . 5hz ,起動次數相當頻繁,每小時高達600 - 800次,沖擊負荷大,過載能力要求較高。

And it can help us to open up the utilization scope of frequency changer . the main content have been studied in this paper . for example , the energy saving effect of the frequency changer utilization in tube - well irrigation , spray irrigation and drip irrigation , the influence of the frequency changer to the degree of consistency in tube - well irrigation , spray irrigation and drip irrigation , and the full - scale test of the frequency changer used in tube - well irrigation 本項目在國內首次提出了變頻調速裝置在管灌中使水泵進行“恒量變壓”變頻運行的設想,并首次對變頻調速裝置在農業節水灌溉中的應用進行了實地試驗研究,該研究成果對變頻調速裝置在管灌、微噴及大棚滴灌中的應用具重要的指導意義,對變頻調速裝置的設計研究及其應用范圍的拓展等具有一定的理論意義和很大的實用意義。

Based on some problems about random draft , energy conservation and ensemble efficiency of hydraulic - projects utilization , by the way of full - scale test , the application of frequency changer in agricultural water saving have been studied . it is the first time in china for the imagination that frequency changer has been used in tube - well irrigation in order to make the water pump keep constant transformation 本項目針對目前農業節水灌溉工程中存在的隨機取水、節能問題和水利工程資源的綜合利用效率提高問題,以實地工程應用試驗為基礎,對變頻調速裝置在農業節水灌溉工程中的應用進行了研究。

Fxv series is derived from fx series . in structure , it adopts air cooling of net flow . it shows apparent function against blocking by fibers , suitable for textile , printing and dyeing machines for cotton , wool , linen , silk and chemical fibers . it works effectively under the environment of plentiful dust , short fibers , high temperature and high humidity . it features even speed regulation in combination with frequency changer 本系列電動機主要是fx系列電動機的派生系列,結構上采用凈流式風冷,具有較強的防纖維堵塞能力,適用于棉、毛、麻、絲、化纖等各種紡織印染機械,能在多塵埃、短纖維及溫濕度較高的環境下工作,與變頻器配套,調速均衡。

The degree of consistency change of sprinkler head and the o 8mm depression drip pipe with the change of pressure has been tested . the main conclusion of this study has been produced as follows : ( 1 ) the theory will be correct and notable benefit will be obtained through the utilization of the frequency changer in tube - well irrigation , spray irrigation and drip irrigation . ( 2 ) some energy saving effect of the frequency changer utilization in tube - well irrigation , spray irrigation and drip irrigation will be produced , 37 本項目的研究內容主要包括變頻調速裝置在管灌、微噴以及大棚滴灌中的節能效果、變頻調速裝置對微噴和大棚滴灌均勻度的影響以及變頻調速裝置在管灌中進行“恒量變壓”變頻運行試驗等,同時,對微噴頭與中smm低壓插入式滴灌帶的灌溉均勻度隨壓力變化情況進行一r試驗研究。

Yvf2 series frequency - variable and speed - regulative three - phase asynchronous motors are suitable for running in frequency changer and speed regulation system which the power is supplied by a frequency converter . this new series of product designed unitedly in the country can be mated with all kinds of spwm frequency changer and speed regulation devices and is equipped with a separate cooling fan which ensure the motor for good cooling at various rotating speed 系列變頻調速三相異步電動機是適用于由變頻器供電的變頻調速系統中運行的專用異步電動機,是全國統一設計新的專用系列產品,可與國內、外各種spwm變頻調速裝置配套,裝有獨立的冷卻風機,能保證電機在不同轉速下有良好的冷卻效果。

This system take the industry computer and the programmable controller as a control core , step - motor , the frequency changer and the ac machine does for the execution , matches by the sensor and its the periphery connection electric circuit , formed a pair the closed - loop control system 本系統以工業計算機和可編程控制器為核心,步進電機、變頻器與交流電機做為執行器,配以傳感器及其外圍接口電路,構成雙閉環控制系統。

This article introduces the economizing potential in the pump class and air blower load energy , the economizing principle of using the frequency changer , and explaines the economizing situations with examples to promot the economizing technology and the industry advancement 摘要文章介紹了泵類及風機負載中的節能潛力,闡述了使用變頻器進行節能的原理,并用實例對節能情況進行了分析,旨在推廣節能技術。

But elevator suo by means of yi frequency changer , request by far to kao , also all yi hat , necessitate ask for has ranking brain trust and male thick bankroll make out shield , then can attainment these mission , for reach bourne no cherish go over huge money 但是電梯所用之變頻器,條件要求甚高,亦是所有之冠,必須要有超群的智囊團及雄厚的資金做后盾,才可達成這個使命,為達目的不惜投入巨資

By mail , fax or telephone , dongying dongri electric co . , ltd . conveys further information on some subsections , like frequency changer , expert and expert 該企業竭誠為貴公司介紹關于頻率變換器、傳感器、專家、顧問以及老練的、有經驗的和專家費用信息,請撥打+ 86 ( 546 ) 8182410 , 81 。

Abstract this article narrated the high - pressured frequency changer in iron - smelting dust removal system transformation analysis as well as the economic efficiency analysis 本文講述了高壓變頻器在煉鐵除塵系統中的改造分析以及經濟效益分析。

For more information about electric motors , frequency changer or slip ring motors please call the company woelf 在生產商和服務商woelf出色的網頁上可以找到價廉物美的頻率變換器,電動機,集電環(繞線)型轉子電動機、繞線轉子異步電動機。

This article narrated the high - pressured frequency changer in iron - smelting dust removal system transformation analysis as well as the economic efficiency analysis 本文講述了高壓變頻器在煉鐵除塵系統中的改造分析以及經濟效益分析。

Finally the article introduces how to test opc server application and the spot application of fuji frequency changer opc server application 最后介紹了對opc服務器程序的測試,及開發的富士變頻器opc服務器程序的現場應用。

Ecundum motor up yi rating plate , select by means of current rating threefold hereinbefore frequency changer 馬達選后,以馬達上之銘牌,以選用變頻器,

Constant ratio frequency changer 恒比變頻器

Commutator frequency changer 整流子頻率變換器

Application of frequency changer in boiler fan and pump and its energy - saving analysis 水泵上的應用及節能分析

Frequency changer by means of electric current for calculation limitation 因變頻器以電流為計算限制